Monday, December 30, 2013


As Christmas gets wrapped up and put into the memory books, my thoughts turn to many things. One of those is sewing! I am finding myself thinking about red and white quilts, for one. And children's clothing. 

Last year I made skirts for my darling little great nieces.

For Sofie, who was 3 years old at the time, I made a patchwork bordered skirt.

It was from a design I originally spotted on Pinterest but I had to figure out the dimensions of the pieces and the length of the skirt from measurements sent by my niece. 

I decided to do an elastic waist, also from the measurements sent by Megan.

For 1 1/2 year old Gracie, I designed a different skirt with a rick rack trim.

Do you spot the little button initial?

Gracie now knows which skirt is hers and that there is a "G" for her name.  I'd hoped the little buttons would be something the special to the girls. And I love that the girls could still wear their skirts on this recent Christmas Eve.

And let me wish you all a Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Christmas is coming. . .

Welcome to our home, all decorated for Christmas!

We've had sunny, crisp, gorgeous days lately. Such a treat for this time of year around here.

I've been wishing for some real snowflakes.

Our tree is filled with collected ornaments from over the years including the very first one we purchased when we were engaged to be married 40 years ago.

Baby's first Christmas ornaments, too.

I've been wanting these large Heritage Hill jars for quite some time and finally purchased two in time for holiday fun. 

Funny story here: see the barn among these tin ornaments? Well, a few weeks ago I suddenly decided my Christmas theme this year would be barns. I began to hunt online for vintage toy barns. I also discovered Hallmark tin barn ornaments so purchased a couple on eBay. Last week I pulled out a box labeled "Christmas Village" thinking it would be my ceramic village pieces I haven't used in several years. It contained those plus all these tin buildings - that I did NOT remember I had, at all. I already had the barn, too! 

I did not do the barn theme after all, either. Heh.

No matter what theme I decide for Christmas decorating, the snowman always come to the party!

Our first Christmas with our new family members, yay!

Can't wait!