Friday, May 23, 2014

A few favorites. . .

There is a lovely soft rain falling today. The garden needs it. I find myself saying what my mother used to say, that we need rain. Even though I live in rainy Western Washington, when it dries out, it dries out quickly. Out come the hoses & sprinklers. I was already having to use them so I am happy for a gentle rain to do my job for me. Nature does it better anyway (another thing my mother always said).

Anyway, recently I snapped a few photos of some of my favorites in the garden blooming now.

This deciduous azalea fills the yard with fragrance. That lovely scent stopped me in my tracks at the nursery a few years ago and I had to have it.  "Soir de Paris"

You'd think living here in Western Washington I'd have a yard full of rhododendrons. I have not had good success with them for some strange reason. Last year this one did not bloom at all. I kept it watered all summer in hopes for a better showing. And about half of the bush is blooming. "Minnetonka"

I am wanting to successfully add more rhodies to the garden and have some ideas. One of my favorites is an old one in my mother's garden, "Pink Pearl". Every spring when I see it in bloom I go on the hunt for one. This year I successfully purchased one! Mine isn't in bloom now but is a nice healthy plant still in it's container. Here's some photos of my mother's plant.

The first blossom has opened on the orange oriental poppies. Long ago I planted a red poppy only to find it was orange, and I loved it. Such a bright cheerful color for the late spring garden.

 This is one of my favorite tiny plants with sweet tiny blossoms. It grows under the arbor in the Wedding Garden.  It is a type of hardy, true geranium which grow successfully in my yard. The deer leave them alone and they bloom all summer. They are all beginning to bloom. "Erodium chamaedryoides 'Pink'"

It seems that each day another favorite begins to bloom. I love walking around the yard to see the latest. Thanks for coming along with me!

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

In Bloom.

I am just in love with the unfolding of blooms in the spring.

All Spring I love to walk around the garden discovering buds about to open.

I greet old friends once again!

And anticipate tastes to come.

"Blossom by blossom the spring begins" ~ Swinburne