Thursday, February 26, 2015


Oh dear, I am a "bad" blogger since I don't have any before photos. But I do have after photos of all the organization going on around here.

Behind this door. . .

. . . the coat closet.

 25 baseball caps were on that shelf, now sorted and in baskets.

We also had a huge basket on the floor for shoes ever since our sons were young. 
A shoe rack is going to work well for us now.

The linen closet was a work in progress. 

I discovered I am too short to have everything in containers since I can't see what is in them!

So I ended up with this. Lot's of old towels going to the wildlife center down the road, too.

Presently I am going through files and refiguring where to store monthly paperwork. I found the coolest basket for hanging files. Stay tuned!

Friday, February 20, 2015



Before February completely zooms by I thought I'd share a quick update of things around here.


Spare Oom bookshelf materials are here and ready to be assembled this weekend.

The coat closet storage has been updated.

The linen closet is in progress. I am totally inspired by Joy's linen closet.

The living room hardwood flooring is stacked in the house to climatize.

The household files are being sorted while waiting for a new file basket to arrive.

Other news:

Signs of spring everywhere! Crocus, Indian Plum, Ornamental Cherry trees, daffodils in bloom.

Record warm temperatures around here make it feel like Spring.

My wrist is getting stronger every day.

Have a great weekend, everyone!