Monday, June 16, 2014

Dahlias and Sweet Peas

My very favorite flowers for bouquets in the house are dahlias and sweet peas. So, I've been trying to get mine planted and supported! I've needed hubby's help with the supports. The dahlias get so heavy that the posts needed to be all the way down in the hard, clay soil underneath the raised beds.

 Four stakes down the middle of each bed.
Dahlias planted on each side.

 Some grown in pots in the greenhouse for a head start and other new bulbs fresh from the growers.

15 plants with room for one more new one!

 The sweet peas are a bit of a tangled mess since it's taken awhile to find time to build the chicken wire supports so they can happily climb, and bloom!

 I could let them climb the net fence but then the deer would be able to munch so the chicken wire will hold the plants a few inches from the netting.

Not quite finished and got chased inside during a downpour! The garden is well watered from our recent rains, and rather beat down, but sun is predicted so stand back. 

There will be more of June's beauty.


  1. Oh, so gorgeous! Love your little white fence and arbor! Can't wait to see those sweet peas all over your chicken wire 'wall'- it's going to be such a sight!
    I hope your dahlias do well, too- I planted three just last month and already the snails have made mince meat out of them :(

  2. Barbara, your arbor and white picket fence are the perfect garden setting ~ lush, old-fashioned, and oh so romantic! I can almost hear the birds singing in the trees! I just love Sweet Peas, too. Wishing you happy summer days in the garden! ♡
