Monday, August 11, 2014


I know I've been MIA for a bit. 

Besides the major life event of the birth of our grandson, we also had a wedding, a swift 3000 mile road trip, and a funeral. Very full, emotional, bittersweet times!

So happy to get back to this boy!

It was also lovely to be away from the news for awhile.

When we returned, I found a garden that had burst into bloom.

Even the dahlias were finally blooming.

So I decided to try to sell some of the bounty.

And, By Golly, I sold some!

Hubby did get some of the hardwood floor in earlier and now I need to paint the stair skirt and risers.

I love having hardwood floors, so done with carpet in the main part of the house :)

But it is gorgeous summer here presently so it's REALLY hard to focus on the inside of the house.

But I'll try, heheh.


  1. The floors look fantastic and the flowers beautiful BUT James is the best of All

  2. Hi Brenda! Oh, my goodness- you have had one packed summer, haven't you? I'm tired just thinking about it all . . . but that is one cutie you have to grandparent!
    Your garden is SO gorgeous. I am incredibly envious of your sweet peas and how green everything looks! And your stairs turned out fantastically!
